Thought we might share a rather beautiful sky from Mongolia. But this is not a sunset, it's a sunrise. This was taken on a recent Sunday morning when Elder Caldwell had to start at our Nalaikh Branch fairly early one week. Sister Caldwell attended a branch closer to our apartment that morning.
On, we do have beautiful sunsets here, too.
This picture was taken in the Nalaikh Branch Presidents office.

From left to right you can see President Enhkbayer (1st Counselor in the District Presidency), then President Sukhbat (Branch Presiden - seated behind the desk), Elder Caldwell (1st Counselor to President Sukhbat) and finally Elder Bodaine, who does a lot of translating for us. Elder Bodaine was in the Provo MTC at the same time as we were, is the Zone Leader in the Nalaikh Zone and a really great missionary.