The first Patriarch has been called in Mongolia! His name is Brother Batbayar from the new Selbe Ward (it had been a branch until the first stake was formed!).
What a blessing this will be to Mongolia! And what a busy man brother Batbayer is about to become! Undoubtedly, he will follow the usual pattern of beginning his preparations, now, as he studies and ponders about his new responsibilities for two or three months. Then, when he feels properly prepared, he will begin giving his first blessings.
We knew a Patriarch would be called following the formation of the first stake -- the existence of a stake is a requirement. We also knew that a name had been submitted to the First Presidency for approval. We've all just been waiting to see when it would actually happen. The wait is over!
It will be wonderful for the people here to be able to receive their blessings. Until now, the only ones able to do so were those who had been called to serve missions in countries where there was a Patriarch. After arriving in those missions, they were allowed to receive a blessing. Now, any worthy member in Mongolia will be able to have that opportunity.
Though the the Patriarch is called as part of the Stake organization, he is allowed to give blessings to anyone in the mission, which in this case is all of Mongolia. As we said, he will be a busy man soon! It will likely take a year or two or three for him to provide blessings to all who will likely want them.
The Gospel is true and the work moves forward!