One of the musical numbers was presented by two Mongolian Sister Missionaries -- twins in fact. They are good missionaries and are well liked around here. The song is a traditional Mongolian song about mothers (see the video). None of the seniors were able to understand any of the words, but we certainly felt the spirit of it. You will notice that the Sister on the left has some trouble getting through it. She actually had to stop a couple of times to gain her composure. She told us later that she really misses her mother. We can relate.
Also notice (if you look closely) that most of the young missionaries wore traditional Mongolian clothing. Unfortunately, no one told us that such would be the case. We wouldn't have minded getting some of that type of clothing and joining in!
After the devotional, they took us to lunch at a fancy restuarant owned by a member of the Church. He is from Germany, living in Mongolia and the restuarant is Italian! Go figure! But it is really a nice place and he gave us a good deal. In addition to the pastas and salads, we also had beef tongue and pig tongue! Yum! The dinner was really very good. Some of the seniors want to go bakc and order from the menu. That ought to make for a nice night out sometime.

It was nice to talk to you this morning, sad though. It just does not feel like Christmas without you here. There has not been a year of my life yet that I have spent without you on Christmas. We always do our Christmas in the morning, have my in-laws over after that, and than rush to your house by afternoon. That is Christmas for us. I don't know what I will do with myself for the rest of the day! We are going to spend it just enjoying our family, that's a good thing. And we know that you are in a very important place, where you should be. Just know that you are greatly missed, especially today. We look forward to talking to you again tomorrow night at Julies. WE LOVE YOU LOTS!!! Merry Christmas!!
Looks like you had some fun. I don't know why but it seems like the videos load fine from my camera but no one else's? We enjoyed talking to you this morning and look forward to being able to SEE you and let you SEE the kids (especially babies) tomorrow. We have been coaching Bobba to say "Hi Maama" and "Hi Paapa." Hopefully, he'll do it for you tomorrow! We love you.
Merry Christmas. We miss you so much. We're with Amy . . .what to do with the rest of the day? We were going to the movies, but the weather is too awful, so we'll just stay in. We're thinking about you a lot today. We love you.
Hello Caldwells! We are so glad to have found your blog. We got your letter and wanted you to know how grateful we are to both of you. We totally wish that timing could have been a little different but know that the Lord knows what He is doing and that we are all doing what we are supposed to be and we are where we are supposed to be. You are in our thoughts and prayers. Hope you had a wonderful Christmas!
This is Delos Lutz. Rebecca's neighbor's brother who talked to you before you left. I saw on your blog a video of the christmas devotional where some twin sisters sang. They are my very good friends and i'd appreciate it if you would tell them i said hello.
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