How do you like Sister Caldwell's new boots? Stylin' huh? Just couldn't resist showing them to ya' all!
They are rubber and should be really great in the rainy season just ahead of us. 'Course we understand that we have to get through the windy season first. The one that blows the Gobi to us so we don't have to go see it!
And last but not least, we are packing for Hong Kong now. We leave Thursday night at midnight (about 10 am your time) and fly to Hong Kong to be with the group being sent from the mission to go to the Temple. There will be 24 of us total. Some have sacrificed much to be able to go. There will be families sealed together, one young couple just getting married and a few just going to receive their endowments.

We will not have internet access there and thus will be silent for a couple of weeks. But when we get back, we will have much to share! But we will have to mix all of that with a series we hope to post about the humanitarian efforts being made by the Church here. There are some wonderful and fun things to share, in that regard. We hope to post the first of that series before we leave for Hong Kong.
Gotta get me some of them boots! You have to know that those kind of boots are Jarod's favorite. He loves rubber boots and will wear them every single day until they are just too tight for his feet. Right now he has a pair of camoflage rubber boots. When you get home the two of you can jump in puddles together.
I wish the rainy season would come back, here. Apparently the snowy season is refusing to give up. We had about 3 inches yesterday and are expecting another storm tomorrow. We are getting more snow now than we have gotten since about Christmas! Bummer!
Looks like lots of nummy treats. The girls LOVE Grandmas boots, they want to have a pair just like them for themselves!!
Hey, we watched a thing on Planet Earth about the Gobi desert the other day. I think that it blowing to you would be a lot better than going there, it gets pretty nasty. Sorry you have to deal with yucky winds, I hate wind!! Love you!!
Love the boots! And they even match your shirt! Way to go!
Good luck in Hong Kong. I'm sure it will be a very memorable experience and we can't wait to hear all about it!
These boots are made for walkin' and that's just what they'll do, one of these days these boots are gonna walk all over you.
Hannah laughed when she saw them. She kept trying to touch them.
These boots are made for walkin' and that's just what they'll do, one of these days these boots are gonna walk all over you.
Hannah laughed when she saw them. She kept trying to touch them.
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