Well, we finally found time to get down to the Mississippi River. The river is not only down where it belongs but there is very little evidence that there was ever a problem! No smell, no extra bugs. Just the good old Mississip!
We began teaching the young children to be missionaries today. These kids are really sharp! We try to make sure they understand the terminology that we come across. Mostly, they have a pretty good idea as a group, what things mean. We even had one young boy tell us what a 'sheave' of wheat is! We had to look it up before hand to be certain WE knew!
The youth here are absolutely amazing! What a group of stalwart young men and women. We attended Sacrament meeting with many of the cast this afternoon and most of those who bore testimony were from the pageant and half or more of those were youth. Can you imagine a Fast Meeting in your ward where more than half are young people?
Their testimonies are incredible and their enthusiasm matches it. The young men who are on technical support (i.e. lights, stage crew, etc.) came and sang "We'll Bring The World His Truth" (or The Armies of Helaman) to our class of children. Now, you must understand. These young men didn't just timidly get through a song. They sang at the top of their voices! And it was very, very moving!
This experience has already begun changing lives. One young man said (when he bore his testimony) that he had never been much of one for service. And even for the first day after his arrival here he thought he had made a mistake in coming. Then, he said, he really got busy and involved. Now he understands the value of service and he as already grown to love his experience here!
Stories like that abound.
Question for today: What was the name of the angel who came to visit Joseph Smith when he was 16 years old?
Moroni...Cowley kids
Can you make the questions a little easier please?
Elder osborn
Alexis said "something that starts with an A", Megan said "the Holy Ghost", and Daddy yelled from the other room "Moroni".
I guess we are a little slow at answering the questions. Everyone else already posts the answers before we log on! So we'll just echo what everyone else says. Moroni.
And Dave, don't worry. We'll help you get the right answers so you can get a prize, too. : )
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