Saturday, November 15, 2008

Our first visit to a branch

We attended Church today in the local branch. Didn't understand a thing, but we attended! Acutally, we had a translator behind us who whispered in our ear and we could get the jest of everything.

There were four or five new people who attended the entire block today. People who had been told by a friend that they ought to attend or who were just passing by and thought they ought to stop in. Apparently, that is a common occurance here. Most branches have a regular baptism schedule each week. And nearly every week there are new members being baptized. We are definitely in the mission field!

Tomorrow, we will be officially in our office in the Employment Center for the first time. At least for a couple of hours! Still have things to take care of and meetings to attend, as well. But we are excited to get to work!

Haven't really had too much difficulty with jet lag. Seems we have adjusted rather quickly. Apparently what we did enroute helped, but it made the journey a bit more challenging.

Pictures tommorow!


The Fendleys said...

Can't wait to see pictures!!! We are glad you adjusted well so far. Good luck at the office tomorrow, I am sure there will be alot to learn. Love You both, and Miss you!!!

Jason said...

So we were wondering...(and you may not know yet)...what do you do all day Sunday? And in your evenings? And on your preperation day?

I imagine you have plenty of setting up and whatnot to do right now everyday but Sunday. But with such a small apartment and no DirecTV...?

Could we send you some games? Or some books? Or something like that?

Ryan Cowley said...

We are all anxiously awaiting the pictures.

We had a new couple in our ward today, too! They just got home from their mission about three weeks ago. When they left, they didn't have enough money to go on a mission so they sold their home to pay for their it! They are now in the process of buying a new, smaller home in our ward. They seem awesome so we are excited to have them!!