Thought you might like to see our new Mongolian missionary name tags. Looks sort of weird!
Thom asked how the food is here at the MTC. Not bad, really! They do an amazing job of serving thousands of people at every meal and the food is actually pretty good. Perhaps a bit too good and too available! We seem to be putting on a extra pound or two!
We bid farewell to the 13 Mongolian Elders today. They left the MTC at 5:30 to make their way to Mongolia. The one Elder we thought might be traveling with us, received his final medical clearance this morning and is on his way, as well. Boy, we wish we could be with them!
We had our last Welfare Training today. Many of the couples in our group will be leaving for the mission field, now. However, Sister Caldwell and I are scheduled for EIL (English as an International Language) training on Friday (tomorrow) and Monday. That is where we learn how to teach Enlish to the people of Mongolia. We are required to be certified to do that teaching before we will be allowed into the country. Once that training is complete on Monday, we will then head home Monday afternoon and finish our preparations to fly to Mongolia Tuesday evening. Our visa's arrived today along with the return of our passports and we have our travel intinerary, so we are set to go!
It's getting close, now!
Why does one name tag list the last name first and the other list it last?
Elder is considered a title and, when written, is placed in front of the name. But it is always spoken after the name. Sister is not a title and is, therefore, written and spoken after the name.
Thank you for the postcard. Megan said " I think the people on the front of it are Mongolian." I had to tell her that you are not in Mongolia yet and that it was a picture of Jesus. In her defense, we didn't get the mail until 8:30 at night and she was looking at it pretty much in the dark. But it was funny! She thinks that alot of people are Mongolian, I think it is her way of thinking about the two of you all the time. We love you!!
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