Our theme, recited at each daily cast meeting, as been, "no unhallowed hand can stop the work from progressing; persecutions may rage, mobs may combine, armies may assemble, calumny may defame, but the truth of God will go forth boldly, nobly, and independent, till it has penetrated every continent, visited every clime, swept every country, and sounded in every ear, till the purposes of God shall be accomplished, and the Great Jehovah shall say the work is done.”
We recited that standard of truth in every cast meeting. This is a picture of that final cast meeting. See if you can find Melba in it.
In our cast meeting last night, President Renouf (pageant President) shared with us one of those little miracles I mentioned. It was a story written by a young lady who had just come to see the pageant. It seems this young lady who lives within about three hours of Nauvoo was blind sided by her grandmother whom she apparently lives with. Grandma had invited the missionaries to their home and she was none too happy about it!
But when the missionaries arrived she decided they were kind of cute and made the best of their visit together. The missionaries asked if they would like to travel to Nauvoo to see the pageant. This young lady was one who enjoyed outdoor theater so she agreed to go. And besides, a three hour trip with these young men didn’t sound too bad, either!
They arrived in Nauvoo and the pageant began. She was quickly taken in by the story being portrayed. As the story came to the martyrdom of Joseph and Hyrum, she found herself crying, and she couldn’t understand why. And then, all of a sudden she knew. It was true! It was all true!
We turned in our costumes and held one final meeting aft
We look forward to seeing you all.
Today's question: In what year were the saints first forced to start leaving Nauvoo?
The original saints were forced from Nauvoo in 1846 but apparently there is another exodus happening tomorrow!
P.S. We found Grandma.
1846. And we too found Grandma.
Feb.4 1846 to be exact. President Young did not cross the Mississippi River until February 15th, anyone catch any other significance of that day and month?
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